Recently Aspen Radon was called in to address an issue from a previous radon contractor’s radon mitigation installation because the fan would not run after the system had been turned off for the remodeling of the basement. We discovered a dead sparrow in the fan and a bluebird’s bird’s nest with 3 eggs in the system’s vent (see photo below left). Every radon contractor claims to be an expert and that they install the best radon systems. This is simply an extreme false advertisement. The contractors that killed the bluebird family and squirrel are still in business and installing radon systems in southern Colorado – so be careful.

Most homeowners cannot distinguish a properly installed radon system from a poorly installed radon system and many radon mitigation contractors will take advantage of this to increase their profits. Some of our business comes from distraught home owners who have been ill served by other certified radon abatement company’s shortcuts, lack of diligence, poor design, shoddy installation or downright deception and failure to reduce radon gas levels although they guaranteed to do so. (See testimonial of Lori M., Colorado Springs for example).
As with most things, there is a right way and unfortunately many wrong ways to address high radon gas levels and install a radon mitigation system. Aspen Radon approaches each home or building’s radon issues as a unique problem to be solved professionally, thoroughly and with guaranteed satisfaction for the homeowner.
Over the last few years, as concerns about the health risks from radon (notably, increased incidence rates of lung cancer attributed to radon) have risen, radon contractors have mushroomed across Colorado and other states. Unfortunately, many of these contractors have little experience on which to base their claims to homeowners for expertise in the field.
Aspen Radon Inc., has been doing radon testing and mitigation work since 1998. It is not uncommon for Aspen Radon to receive calls from other radon mitigation contractors to help them with problems they are having with their radon systems not reducing the radon levels sufficiently.
When it comes to contracting with a company for radon mitigation in your home or other property, do not take chances with your family’s health or a jeopardize real estate transaction. Call on a true expert in the field with a proven track record. Call Aspen Radon.